Weekly timetable
Monday |
Tuesday | PE |
Wednesday | PE |
Thursday | Times tables Spellings |
Friday | Celebration assembly |
Curriculum overview - Autumn 1
English | Environment Narrative |
Maths | Addition and Subtraction Shape |
Geography | Where am I? |
History | What is History? |
Design Technology | Moving Monsters |
Science | Humans |
RE | Why does Christmas matter to Christians? |
PSHE | Valuing Difference |
Computing | Bee Bots |
PE | Fundamentals of Movement Gymnastics |
Music | Singing |
If you would like further lessons and activities to carry with your child at home please view our optional home learning resources and links.
Useful Links
If you have any questions about what we do in 2H, and you would like to speak to Miss Horsfall regarding your child, please give school a call and leave a message. I will be in contact as soon as we're able to. Alternatively please email the school on TottingtonPrimary@bury.gov.uk and your email will be passed on to me. Many Thanks