Welcome to 5/6B
Weekly Timetable - AUTUMN 1
Monday | Change library books |
Tuesday | Times tables test |
Wednesday | PE kit (gymnastics) |
Thursday | PE kit (rugby) Home reading books changed |
Friday | Spelling test New spellings given out Hand in comprehension homework New homework set |
Spellings and times tables are set weekly on Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars. Please ensure your child practises them regularly as certificates are awarded in Celebration Assembly. Thanks
This half-term, children will be tested on their 3x, 4x and 8x tables.
Curriculum Overview - AUTUMN 1
English | 'Wild is the Wind' Writing Outcome: Journey narrative |
Maths | Place value Addition and subtraction |
History | What can the census tell us about local areas? |
Geography | Why do oceans matter? |
Science | Living things in their habitats |
RE | Why do Hindus want to be good? |
PSHE | Me and my relationships |
Computing | Online Safety |
PE | Gymnastics Tag rugby |
Music | Blues |
Art | Drawing: I need space |
Spanish | La Fecha (the date) |
If you would like further lessons and activities to carry with your child at home please view our optional home learning resources and links.