School Milk scheme
In conjunction with the Department for Education’s new School Food Plan, we offer parents the opportunity to purchase school milk for their children to drink at morning break.
We have instructed a company called Cool Milk to provide the milk.
Parents are to deal directly with Cool Milk to order and pay for milk. If milk is ordered by 5pm on a Tuesday, then your child will start receiving milk in school the following Monday.
Children who are under 5 are entitled to free milk but parents must start to pay once their child turns 5. Free milk will continue until the Friday before the child’s 5th birthday.
Children who are entitled to free school meals are also entitled to free school milk. Please contact the school office to take up this offer. If you are not currently entitled to free school meals but become entitled at a later date, please let us know if you would your child to receive free milk.
How to register:
- If you have to pay (your child is 5 or over) , complete the online registration form below. You will then receive a request for payment which can be done either online, over the phone at a local PayPoint or by cheque. Pay by 5pm on a Tuesday for milk to start the following week.
- If your child is under 5, milk is free - Register with Cool Milk online by 5pm on a Tuesday for milk to start the following week. Once your child has their 5th birthday, you will be asked for payment.
- If your child is entitled to free school meals - contact the school office.