Weekly timetable 2024-2025
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday | PE day - Indoor - Dance Reading comprehension homework change Spelling test X tables test
Thursday | PE day - Outdoor |
Friday | Reading book change |
Curriculum Overview - Spring 1
English | Text being used: The Whale by Ethan and Vita Murrow Writing Outcomes: Setting narrative/ Newspaper report |
Maths | Multiplication and Division B Length & Perimeter |
History | What did the ancient Egyptians believe? |
Geography | Who lives in the Antarctica? |
Art & Design | Painting and Mixed Media: Prehistoric Painting |
Science | Sound Data collection B |
RE | Hinduism: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? |
PSHE | Keeping Myself Safe |
Computing | Journey inside a computer |
PE | Net & Wall Games (Volleyball and Tennis) Dance |
Music | Samba and carnival sounds and instruments |
Spanish | Vegetables |
If you would like further lessons and activities to carry with your child at home please view our optional home learning resources and links.
Useful Links
- Countdown maths mental maths challenge.
- Maths Frame. Fun range of maths games
- TT Rockstars Times tables fun and challenges
- Prodigy Maths work set fortnightly, free play too.
- BBC Bitesize online English resources to support home learning.
- Free Children's stories to read. Online books to download or read online.
- Bug Club. Reading and comprehension resources.
- In addition a range of writing tasks will set fortnightly on Purple Mash.
- Joe Wicks morning fitness.
- BBC Bitesize science
- Bill Nye The Science Guy. Fun home experiments.
Art and Design
- BBC Bitesize activities for home.
(Science Technology Engineering Maths)
Some fun design technology activities can be found on the STEM learning site.
- Go Noodle watch on youtube it's free
- Cosmic Kids yoga and mindfullness activities for kids.
If you have any questions about what we do in year 3/4P, or you would like to meet Mrs Brierley regarding your child, please pop into school to arrange a time to see her.