Home School Partnership
At Tottington Primary School we value the support of our parents and carers. We aim to work in partnership with them.
We believe that:
Parents make a crucial difference to children’s outcomes.
Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators.
Each unique family must be welcomed and listened to.
Different levels of engagement is required to make the most of our families.
Our staff have a responsibility to work with all families.
Coming Soon!
To further develop our relationship with parents and carers we will be running termly parent forums. The purpose of these will be for us to have open conversations about our current school offer and to help us enhance and improve this further. We hope you are able attend!
Parent Forum
SEND parent Forum
Parent and Carer Surveys
Listening to the views of our parents and carers is very important to us. Below are the results of recent parent and carer surveys.
In response to the results from this survey we have 3 actions that we will be reviewing and aim to improve:
- Communication with parents
- Reviewing and updating our behaviour policy
- Feedback on children's learning to parents & carers