Pupil Premium Strategy
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 with the aim of narrowing the attainment gap between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and those who are not by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. It also includes Looked After Children and Services Children. Please click on the file below to see how we spend our pupil premium grant and what impact it is having:
PP Strategy 2024-2025
TPS PP Champions
At TPS we have Pupil Premium champions. Our champions work closely with our PP children to help support them in their journey through primary school education. They meet half termly with their assigned pupils to discuss a range of things, including discussions on aspirations and learning targets, as well as being their 'go-to' person for support and celebration.
Along with the tiered support on offer for all PP children in school, we felt it would be beneficial to ensure each pupil has 'a champion' to oversee their year, understand and help them overcome their barriers where possible, along with checking-in regularly with them to ensure both they're well supported in all aspects of school life.
PP Champions
TPS Learning Mentor
At TPS we have a learning mentor. As part of this role, Mrs Harrison works very closely with some of our PP children to help support them in their journey through primary school education. This involves targeted pastoral intervention and support tailored to the pupil's individual and collective needs.
We feel it is vital to support our children in all aspects of their school life and value highly the crucial support that is provided to our pupils through the work of our learning mentor.
Learning Mentor
'Book in a bag'
'Book in a bag' is an exciting initiative that aims to build a love of reading among our pupils, in particular those most disadvantaged. It has been designed to engage and inspire our students through a variety of reading materials and will be updated termly to keep the reading experience fresh and interesting.
We are excited to see the positive outcomes from this and engaging our pupils further to develop a lifelong love of reading.
Music lessons
Using some of our pupil premium funding, we are able to inspire groups of our children through providing fully funded music lessons for all PP children in KS2.