Timings of our Lunch break:
Nursery: 11.45am - 12.15pm
Reception: 12pm - 1pm
Year 1 to Year 6 - 12.15pm to 1.15pm
Note - Totts Nursery do not make their meal selections on ParentPay. Please speak directly to nursery staff about how selections are made.
Lunchtimes at Tottington Primary School are an enjoyable occasion for all! With separate playgrounds for Early Years/Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2, there is plenty of space for fun and games. Sport activities are planned in each of our zones with activities including basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball...the list goes on. Friday is our dance party day, with music playing and staff and children joining in the fun!
Our midday supervisors are supported by sports coaches throughout the week, who help deliver the activities and develop teamwork skills across the school.
Our pupils earn golden stars for their brilliant behaviour at lunchtime, which they collect for their houses. At the end of each term, totals are counted and the winning house earns a non uniform day.