What are the aims of our PSHE & RSE curriculum?
At Tottington Primary School we are passionate about preparing our children for the opportunities and responsibilities they will face in life. By combining the National Curriculum with our TPS core values, our ambitious PSHE curriculum provides a wide range of experiences that prepare our pupils for their whole lives, regardless of their background. We are responsible for providing our children with the knowledge that will enable them to live safe, fulfilled and healthy lives, as well as equipping them with the skills to survive in the modern world.
We want to inspire our children to aim high by promoting a positive mindset which builds confidence, supports independence and increases resilience so that our children have the skills to keep going and never give up. By providing a safe learning environment, we actively encourage our pupils to take risks, challenging them to become creative and innovative learners. In doing so, we are developing the knowledge and skills they will need to lead confident and independent lives - ultimately enabling them to become informed, responsible citizens of the future.
Our broad and balanced curriculum promotes personal, social and economic development and places a strong emphasis on the health and well-being (both mental and physical) of our pupils. We want our children to understand how their actions have consequences and we encourage them to make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment. As part of our PSHE curriculum, learners are supported to understand what constitutes a healthy relationship, both online and offline. In order to keep our children safe, we teach them how to recognise risk and ensure that they know where to go to for help should they need it.
Diversity is celebrated and learners are encouraged to communicate effectively in order to form positive attitudes and beliefs regarding feelings, relationships and sexuality. Our PSHE curriculum teaches children to have high levels of respect for each other, shows them how they can support each other and ensures they know how to get help for themselves or their friends when they need it. Children are taught about the importance of managing their own behaviour and are encouraged to demonstrate high levels of self-control. We understand the importance of a preventative PSHE education that teaches acceptance, tolerance and empathy and have incorporated strategies to respond appropriately to bullying, prejudice and discrimination within our curriculum.
Through our well-planned, and sequenced PSHE curriculum our children acquire the vital knowledge and skills required for the next stage of their learning journey and on into adulthood. This enables the children of Tottington Primary School to become successful, active and positive members of their local community and wider world.