
Weekly Timetable
Monday | Reading books handed in
Tuesday | Spelling test Times tables test Comprehension homework hand-in/out
Wednesday | TT Rock stars (in class am) Reading book change PE (Gymnastic)
Thursday | Invasion Games (Basketball/Netball) |
Friday | Swimming (year 4)
Curriculum Overview - Autumn 1
English | Text being used: Seen and not Heard by Katie May Green Writing Outcomes: Character narrative/instructions |
Maths | Addition & Subtraction Measure - Area Multiplication & Division |
History | How have children’s lives changed? |
Geography | Why do people live near volcanoes? |
DT | Textiles: fastenings |
Science | Data Collection States of Matter Consolidation |
RE | Christianity: What is the Trinity? Christmas |
PSHE | Valuing Different |
Computing | Networks and the Internet |
PE | Invasion Games (Basketball/Netball) Swimming Gymnastics |
Music | Ballads |
Spanish | Musical Instruments |
If you would like further lessons and activities to carry with your child at home please view our optional home learning resources and links.
Useful links
A site full of different activities
For as long as schools are closed children can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.
Your child can practise his / her times tables in a fun and engaging way. (Your child's log-in details are in his / her reading diary).
Maths problems and questions to solve. Log-in details are in the Home Learning packs and in your child's reading diary.
Activities, video clips and information
A week-day, 30 minute work-out with Joe Wick 'The Body Coach'. Be prepared to have achy legs the next day!
Mindfulness and Well-Being
Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world.
A fun series about mindfulness for kids aged 5+. Jaime makes mindfulness relevant for kids, helping them develop awareness of their emotions and sharing techniques for self-regulation. From the makers of Cosmic Kids Yoga, written and starring Jaime.
Get moving to music!
Super Movers is helping children across the UK to get physically active with curriculum-linked videos.