Reception Classes trip to Smithills Farm
Reception had a wonderful time learning all about animals at Smithills Farm.
Y5/6 One Adventure Day
Climbing Wall
Laser Tag
Spider's Web
Year 3/4 Jungle Parc Trip
Lower KS2 enjoyed a trip to Jungle Parc in the Summer term! We had a fabulous day building friendships, working together and encouraging each other over obstacles we found difficult & challenging, which gave us all a great opportunity to put our perseverance and resilience into practice. A great day was had by all!
Year 1/2 Trip to Blackpool Zoo
Key Stage 1 enjoyed a trip to Blackpool in the Summer term! In Science, we have been learning all about animal classifications and habitats, and the children enjoyed spotting mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds....although we didn't manage to spot any fish! Front row seats to the sea lion show was a real highlight! Our children behaved impeccably, and a wonderful day was had by all!