The School Day
Start of the school day
The school site is open from 8.30 each morning. In Reception to Year 6 classroom doors open at 8.40 in the morning and children can enter their classrooms to carry out start of day activities.
It is very important that children arrive punctually at school. Children should arrive at school at 8.40am, entering through their classroom doors, taking off coats and putting all their belongings in their lockers, and at 8.50am the register is taken. Please note that the playground is unsupervised before 8.40am and therefore, for safety reasons, children should not be left unattended until this time.
8.40am –The school doors open
8.45am – The school doors close (anyone arriving after this time are to come through main office)
8.50am – The register is taken
8.55am – Lessons and learning begins
3.15pm – The end of the school day
Nursery children must arrive for the start of the morning session at 8.45am and the afternoon session at 12.15pm.
Break times
Children in Year 1 - 6 have a 15 minute morning break. This provides children with a brain break and an opportunity for children to get some fresh air and spend time with their friends. Children in Nursery and Reception have access to outdoor play throughout the day in their own play areas.
Nursery 11.45am - 12.45pm
Reception 12pm - 1pm
Y1-6 12.15pm-1.15pm.
Children from Reception to Year 6 have an hour lunch break. Meals provided by the school kitchen and packed lunches brought in from home are eaten in the school hall and then children play out on the school playground and field.
End of the school day
Nursery - 2.45pm/3.15pm
Reception to Year 6 - 3.15pm