Weekly Timetable - Autumn Term 1
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Curriculum overview - Autumn 1
English | Text: Wild is the Wind Writing Outcome: Journey narrative |
Maths | Place value Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division |
Science | Living things in their habitats |
History | What can the census tell us about local areas? |
Geography | Why do oceans matter? |
Art | Drawing: I need space |
Design Technology | N / A |
RE | Why do Hindus want to be good? |
PSHE | Me and my relationships |
Computing | Online Safety |
PE | Gymnastics Tag rugby |
Music | Blues |
Spanish | La fecha (the date) |
Useful Links
Y6 Autumn Term 1 Spellings
If you have any questions about what we do in 5/6H, or you would like to meet Mrs Hopkinson regarding your child, please ring school to arrange a time to see her.